Cinelerra CV Manual
Non-linear video editor for GNU/Linux
Community Version 2.3
Edition 1.63.EN
Heroine Virtual Ltd
Cinelerra CV Team
Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2024 Adam Williams - Heroine Virtual Ltd.
Copyright © 2003 - 2024 Cinelerra-CV Team.
This manual is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Cinelerra in brief.
- 1.1 About Cinelerra
- 1.2 The two versions of Cinelerra
- 1.3 About this manual
- 1.4 Getting help
- 1.5 Tutorials
- 1.6 HOWTOs
- 1.7 Miscellaneous links
2 Installation
Making Cinelerra work on your system.
- 2 Installation (intro)
3 Configuration
Adjusting the behavior of Cinelerra.
- 3 Configuration (intro)
4 Project attributes
Changing the way the media is displayed.
5 Loading and saving files
Moving media between disk and Cinelerra.
- 5 Loading and saving files (intro)
- 5.1 Supported file formats
- 5.2 Loading files
- 5.3 Loading the backup
- 5.4 Saving project files
- 5.5 Merging projects
6 Program window
7 Editing
8 Compositor window
- 8 Compositor window (intro)
9 Viewer window
10 Resources window
11 Other windows
12 Transport controls
13 Timebar
14 Realtime effects
- Realtime effects (intro)
- 14.1 Realtime effect types
- 14.2 Editing realtime effects
- 14.3 Realtime audio effects
- 14.3.1 Compressor
- 14.3.2 Delay audio
- 14.3.3 Denoise
- 14.3.4 DenoiseFFT
- 14.3.5 Despike
- 14.3.6 EQ Parametric
- 14.3.7 Freeverb
- 14.3.8 Gain
- 14.3.9 Heroine College
- 14.3.10 Interpolate
- 14.3.11 Invert Audio
- 14.3.12 Live audio
- 14.3.13 Loop audio
- 14.3.14 Overlay
- 14.3.15 Pitch shift
- 14.3.16 Reverse audio
- 14.3.17 SoundLevel
- 14.3.18 Spectrogram
- 14.3.19 Synthesizer
- 14.3.20 Time stretch
- 14.4 Realtime video effects
- 14.4.1 1080 to 480
- 14.4.2 Aging TV
- 14.4.3 Blur
- 14.4.4 Brightness/contrast
- 14.4.5 Burning TV
- 14.4.6 Chroma key
- 14.4.7 Chroma key (HSV)
- 14.4.8 Color balance
- 14.4.9 Decimate
- 14.4.10 Deinterlace
- 14.4.11 Delay video
- 14.4.12 Denoise video
- 14.4.13 Denoise video2
- 14.4.14 Difference key
- 14.4.15 DotTV
- 14.4.16 Downsample
- 14.4.17 Fields to frames
- 14.4.18 Flip
- 14.4.19 Frames to fields
- 14.4.20 Freeze frame
- 14.4.21 Gamma
- 14.4.22 Gradient
- 14.4.23 GreyCStoration
- 14.4.24 Histogram
- 14.4.25 HolographicTV
- 14.4.26 Hue saturation
- 14.4.27 Interpolate video
- 14.4.28 Interpolate pixels
- 14.4.29 Inverse telecine
- 14.4.30 Invert video
- 14.4.31 Lens
- 14.4.32 Linear blur
- 14.4.33 Live video
- 14.4.34 Loop video
- 14.4.35 Motion
- 14.4.36 Motion blur
- 14.4.37 Oil painting
- 14.4.38 Overlay video
- 14.4.39 Perspective
- 14.4.40 Polar
- 14.4.41 RGB-601
- 14.4.42 Radial blur
- 14.4.43 ReframeRT
- 14.4.44 Reroute
- 14.4.45 Reverse video
- 14.4.46 Rotate
- 14.4.47 SVG via Inkscape
- 14.4.48 Scale
- 14.4.49 Selective temporal averaging
- 14.4.50 Sharpen
- 14.4.51 ShiftInterlace
- 14.4.52 Swap channels
- 14.4.53 Threshold
- 14.4.54 Time average
- 14.4.55 TimeFront
- 14.4.56 Title
- 14.4.57 Translate
- 14.4.58 Unsharp
- 14.4.59 Videoscope
- 14.4.60 Wave
- 14.4.61 Whirl
- 14.4.62 YUV
- 14.4.63 Zoom blur
15 Rendered effects
16 Ladspa effects
17 Transitions
18 Keyframing
Making effects change over time.
19 Capturing media
Moving media from the real world to disk.
20 Rendering files
- 20 Rendering files (intro)
- 20.1 Single file rendering
- 20.2 Separate files rendering
- 20.3 Insertion strategy of rendered files
- 20.4 Batch rendering
- 20.5 The render farm
- 20.6 Command line rendering
- 20.7 Rendering videos for the internet
- 20.8 Quicktime for GNU/Linux compatibility chart
- 20.9 Making a DVD
- 20.10 Using background rendering
21 Tips
Unusual applications of Cinelerra to common problems.
- 21 Tips (intro)
- 21.1 Encoding into Dolby Pro Logic
- 21.2 Cleaning analog TV
- 21.3 Defeating interlacing
- 21.4 Making video look like film
- 21.5 Clearing out haze
- 21.6 Making a ringtone
- 21.7 Time stretching audio
- 21.8 Video screen captures
- 21.9 Improving performance
- 21.10 Translating Cinelerra
- 21.11 Panning and zooming still images
- 21.12 HDV 1080i editing using proxy files
- 21.13 Adding subtitles
- 21.14 Creating DVD video from Lower Quality Footage
- 21.15 How to pixelate a particular area of an image
22 Troubleshooting
Problems with Cinelerra.
- 22.1 Reporting bugs
- 22.2 Playback does not stop
- 22.3 Buz driver crashes
- 22.4 Dragging edit boundaries does not work
- 22.5 Locking up when loading files
- 22.6 Synchronization lost while recording
- 22.7 Applying gamma followed by blur does not work
- 22.8 Copy/Paste of track selections does not work in the timeline
- 22.9 Cinelerra often crashes
- 22.10 Theme Blond not found error
23 Plugin authoring
How to write new effects.
- 23 Plugin authoring (intro)
24 Keyboard shortcuts
How to accelerate most commands with the keyboard.
- 24 Keyboard shortcuts (intro)
GNU General Public License
The GNU General Public License