The features, the manuals, the tutorials
The official Cinelerra CV manual
The Manual is available in HTML, PDF and TXT format below.
The english manual is the most recent version.
The PDF and TXT versions of the Manual can be viewed online or downloaded from our the Google Drive archive.
- English: HTML | PDF (6 Mb) | TXT (500 Kb)
- Español: PDF (6 Mb) | TXT (500 Kb)
- Euskara (Basque): PDF (5 Mb) | TXT (500 Kb)
- Français: PDF (6 Mb) | TXT (500 Kb)
- Português do Brasil: PDF (6 Mb) | TXT (500 Kb)
- An incomplete Italian translation of the official Cin-CV manual
is available online HERE (HTML).
Manuals for Cinelerra CV
- The manual "Cinelerra: Quick Start" for Beginners (in English).
- Flossmanual: Cinelerra-CV — French FLOSS user manual for Cinelerra CV (in French).
- Editor Cinelerra for TODOS — Cinelerra manual (in Spanish), by Javier Rodriguez Navarro aka pinguytaz (PDF in the CinCV G. drive archive)
Workaround: H.264 rendering with YUV4MPEG in Cinelerra CV
Cinelerra video tutorials
Some video tutorials (talk and screencast) are available on the Internet.
For more information about the ones see HERE
Tutorials for Cinelerra
Link | Description |
Cinelerra for Grandma | Basic HOWTOs for very beginners, by Raffaella Traniello. |
Cinelerra in 30 minutes and 10 steps | Cinelerra basics, for Grandma, by Raffaella Traniello. |
L’essenza di Cinelerra in 30 minuti e 10 fasi | Cinelerra basics, for Grandma (in Italian), by Raffaella Traniello. |
Cinelerra Bézier Patch | Features for Bézier Automation, by Ichthyostega, August 2006. |
Cinelerra Tutorial Getting Started | by Rob Fisher. |
Cinelerra - The Forgotten Guide | A tutorial for both CV and HV versions, by Joseph Miller |
Cinelerra is very easy | Introduction to Cinelerra, for beginners, by Paolo Rampino and Dennis Kent. |
Video Editing in Linux | Introduction to Cinelerra, for beginners, by PCQ Bureau, Sept. 17, 2003 |
Cinelerra: Rough and ready video editor | Intro to Cinelerra, for beginners, by Dave Kline for, 2005 |
Become a digital video editing guru using Linux tools | Intro to Cinelerra, for beginners, by The Linux Foundation for, 2007 |
Cinelerra quick start summary | Cin-GG 2019 notes | by Eli Billauer. |
Cinelerra: tips, notes | by dquinton |
Using Linux To Edit Fan Videos | Cinelerra basic howto for beginners, by duganchen |
Broadcast2000 - The Production Studio | An old tutorial for Broadcast2000 |
Cinelerra使用图文教程 | Introduction to the program, by (in Chinese) |
Cinelerra: 네이버 블로그 | Introduction to the program, by (in Korean) |
Seriál Střih videa v programu Cinelerra | Introduction to the program, by Vojtěch Kozák (in Czech) |
Střih videa na Linuxu (téměř) profesionálně: Cinelerra | Introduction to the program, by Radek Jahoda (in Czech) |
Linux-Videoschnitt: Vier Top-Editoren im Vergleich (Cin-GG) | by Stephan Lamprecht, PC-WELT 1.3.2023 |
Semiprofessionelle Video-Editoren (Seite 3 - Cinelerra) | by Peter Kreussel, Linux-Magazin 05/2015 |
Linux-Videoschnitt mit Cinelerra | by Christian Grugel, PC Magazin 1/2008 |
Videoschnitt mit Cinelerra | by Peter Kreussel, LinuxUser 4/2006 |
Professioneller Videoschnitt mit Cinelerra und MainActor | by Tim Schürmann, LinuxUser 08/2003 |
Cinelerra für Anfänger | by |
Films bewerken met Cinelerra | Introduction to Cinelerra, for beginners, by (in Dutch) |
Cinelerra è semplicissimo-1, Parte 2, Parte 3 | Introduction to Cinelerra, for beginners, by Paolo Rampino. |
L’essenza di Cinelerra in 30 minuti e 10 fasi | Cinelerra basics, for Grandma (in Italian), by Raffaella Traniello. |
Il magico mondo di Cinelerra.pdf | Cinelerra for beginners, by Michele Armani. |
Produzione video in Ubuntu | from DV files to DVD through Cinelerra, by Stefano "Senbee" Droghetti. |
Video editing con Cinelerra e GNU/Linux (Articolo su Mondo Informatico) | Video editing with Cinelerra in GNU/Linux. |
UnaDe25:Cinelerra | Cinelerra: Basic tutorial (text and video), by Juan Luis Fernández Gallo |
Edición de video bajo GNU/Linux (Cinelerra) | by Gustavo Iñiguez Goya. |
Tutorial de Cinelerra.pdf | Basic intro, by Ministerio de Educación (Buenos Aires) (Download pdf from |
Tutorial de Cinelerra-GG | An advanced tutorial (text and video), by Rafa Mar |
Flossmanual: Cinelerra-CV | French FLOSS user manual for Cinelerra CV (examples of use). |
Guide d'utilisation de Cinelerra | by |
Faire un montage video | Tutorial for beginners on Cinelerra HV, by Laurent Bellegarde. |
Cinelerra, un pas libre de plus vers le cinéma sous GNU/Linux | Basic tutorial by Linux Pratique 44 |
Montage vidéo 100% libre avec kino et cinélerra | Introduction to Cinelerra, by Éric Seigne. |
Le montage vidéo | Introduction to Cinelerra, by RenZO |
Tutorial de uso básico: Cinelerra | Cinelerra basic tutorial, by (in Portuguese). In web.archive |
Guia Rapido Cinelerra.pdf | Cinelerra Beginners' Guide, by (in Portuguese). |
Pistas de Mídia | Tracks, patchbay in Cinelerra, by |
Guia para iniciantes de exportação de vídeos no Cinelerra | Exporting video from Cinelerra, by In web.archive |
Edição de audiovisual pelo software livre Cinelerra.pdf | Cinelerra basic tutorial, by (in Portuguese)] |
Capturando e editando video usando Software Livre | by Rafael Diniz. |
Videóvágás – ahogy a profik is csinálnák.pdf | Introduction to Cinelerra, for beginners, by Medve Zoltán (in Hungarian). |
Mi is a Cinelerra GG? | Introduction to Cin-GG, for beginners, by magyarlinux_admin (in Hungarian). |
Cinelerra-GG effektek | Cinelerra-GG: effects, keyframes, by magyarlinux_admin (in Hungarian). |
Cinelerra GG – Tapasztalatok | Introduction to the interface of Cin-GG, by magyarlinux_admin (in Hungarian). |
Введение в интерфейс Cinelerra (Семилетов для LXF) | Introduction to the Interface, by Peter Semiletov for (PDF) |
Приёмы работы с Cinelerra (все статьи Семилетова для LXF в PDF) | Basic tutorials, by Peter Semiletov for (PDF) |
"Домашняя киностудия: Mencoder, Avidemux, Cinelerra (mpeg3toc)", П. Семилетов для 'CHIP LINUX' 02.2005 (PDF) | Introduction to Cinelerra (mpeg3toc), by Peter Semiletov for 'CHIP LINUX' 02.2005 (PDF) |
''Cinelerra: прошлое, настоящее и будущее", П. Семилетов для OpenSource:№49-50, 2009 (PDF)'' | ''Introduction to Cinelerra, by Peter Semiletov for "OpenSource:№49-50, 2009" (PDF) |
''Жизнь замечательных программистов. Часть 4: Адам Уильямс", П. Семилетов для OpenSource:№98, 2011 (PDF)'' | ''About Adam Williams", by Peter Semiletov for "OpenSource:№98, 2011" (PDF) |
''Мультимедиа в PuppyRus Richy: Cinecutie (Cinelerra) (PDF)'' | Cinecutie (Cinelerra) - QuickStart by Lego for 'PuppyRus Richy' |
Синелерра: Быстрый старт.pdf | QuickStartRus.pdf - Учебник для начинающих, by |
Cinelerra: Заметки на память | A blog about Cinelerra (in Russian). Блог на русском о Cinelerra. |
How-to guides
Some how-to guides for specific needs are available on the Internet:
- Camera | Projector
- Mask
- Sequences | Animation
- Chroma Key
- Tracking and Stabilization
- Titles
- Slow Motion | DiffKey
- Effects
- Audio
- Rendering
- Render Farm
- Common
- Mix
Link | Description |
How to pan in an image (Ken Burns effect) in Cinelerra | by Roland C |
9 video splitscreen | A simple way to combine multiple video’s on one screen with Cinelerra, by Peter for |
Using Cinelerra to create PiP videos | How to create a picture in picture effect in Cinelerra, by Doug Bonnell |
HOWTOs | How to create a picture in picture effect in Cinelerra, How to create overlays in Cinelerra, How to change theme, by Simeon Volkel |
Smooth scrolling credits for Cinelerra | by crazedmuleproduction |
Faire un film HD 1080 à partir d'une source DV SD (720×576) en utilisant la puissance des caméras virtuelles de Cinelerra | DV SD (720×576) -> HD 1080, by lprod wiki |
Utilisation des caméras virtuelles de Cinelerra | Using Cinelerra's virtual cameras, by lprod wiki |
Камера, Проектор, Маска, режимы наложения в Cinelerra (LXF 93) | Camera, Projector, Mask, Overlay modes in Cinelerra, by Peter Semiletov |
Canvas (холст) и W Ratio, H Ratio в Cinelerra | by Igor_VLD (in Russian) |
How to build from source
How to build Cinelerra-CV for Fedora 15, x86-64 — by Scott Frase aka crazedmuleproductions
Build Cinelerra-CV for Fedora 22 under Docker — by rabin
Compiling cinelerra-cv in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial — by Mark Carter
How to compile CinelerraCV on Ubuntu 8.0-12.04 — by Raffaella Traniello
Come compilare Cinelerra CV da codice sorgente in Ubuntu 8.0-12.04 — by Raffaella Traniello
Compiling Cinelerra-cv on Ubuntu 18.04 — by Blippy
Installation von Cinelerra unter Debian Lenny — by Udo Bender
Various links
Link | Description |
Interlacing | An easy introduction to Interlacing for beginners. |
What is Deinterlacing? Facts,solutions,examples | in depth description of interlacing. |
MPEG-2 | FAQ |
Exporting edited HD content back to the camcorder | HDV related |
FFmpeg howto | with plenty of ffmpeg commands for format conversion. |
A Quick Guide to Digital Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio Conversions | Secrets of the world of digital video. |
Colour specification and image coding describes | Luma, chroma, and different colour models in detail. |
Video Processing and Colorspaces (What is really Lossless?) | by Joseph Miller (calcmaster) |
Video Processing -- Information for Newbies | by Joseph Miller (calcmaster) |
AVS HD 709 - Blu-ray & amp; MP4 Calibration | A free set of calibration patterns for high definition (HD) video players. |
DVD-VIDEO | About DVD structure. |
Creating DVD videos on Linux and Unix | An excellent high level overview of DVD authoring in general on Linux. |
Making autostart DVD using Tovid | by |
Backing up film assets | Compression of films for back-up & storage vs. compression for download & viewing, by |
Compression to mpeg4 (former divx5) or webm | A collection of favourite settings (flags/options) used when encoding (compressing) a video file, by |
LPROD Wiki | A French Wiki full of resources for Open Source video editing, especially for Cinelerra, by Laurent Bellegarde |
The first Cinelerra-CV wiki
The first Cinelerra-CV wiki was set up by Alex Ferrer. It is available only through the Internet Archive. It contains Cinelerra documentation, users' tips and other useful resources for your project. Most of its content is now in the Cinelerra CV manual. It has been translated to Slovenian, Spanish, Italian (partially) and French.
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